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National Recognized Partnerships



Gamma Sigma Sigma chapters have partnered with national service organizations over the last few decades. These national partners are many, though the longest standing partnership is with March of Dimes. Gamma Sigma Sigma chapters also recognizes partnerships with the – March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, and National Coalition for Homeless Veterans


Project I.M.P.A.C.T.

For Gamma Sigma Sigma, I.M.P.A.C.T. stands for Individuals Making Progress Across Communities Together. Our two Project I.M.P.A.C.T. areas for the 34th biennium, Anti-Bullying and Suicide Prevention and Invisible Disabilities and Diseases were elected by vote of the membership. Here are some ways to serve these areas:

Anti-Bullying and Suicide Prevention

Bullying is defined under multiple categories including, but not limited to: direct, indirect, cyber, and social. It is the act of seeking to harm or intimidate others and affects as many as 1 in 3 youth. Bullying is also directly linked to suicide attempts and suicidal behavior among both youth and adults. There are programs in place to increase awareness and prevent bullying and suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in youth and young adults and the tenth leading cause for all Americans. According to federal data, this is the highest it has been since WWII. 


  •  Among high school students, 15.5% are cyberbullied and 20.2% are bullied on school property (Center for Disease Control, 2017)

  • Bullied students indicate that bullying has a negative effect on how they feel about themselves (19%), their relationships with friends and family and on their school work (14%), and physical health (9%). (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2016) 

  •  Research indicates that persistent bullying can lead to or worsen feelings of isolation, rejection, exclusion, and despair, as well as depression and anxiety, which can contribute to suicidal behavior.

  •  Targeted groups, including the LGBTQ and individuals with disabilities are at increased risk for suicide attempts even when bullying is not a factor. 

Invisible Disabilities and Diseases

Invisible disabilities and diseases are physical, mental or neurological conditions that limit a person's movements, senses, or activities and are invisible to the onlooker. Suffering goes unseen so others think a person is much healthier than they are. Modern medicine does not know what is biologically causing all the physical suffering due to neuro-immune diseases. The term "invisible disability" refers to symptoms such as debilitating pain, fatigue, dizziness, cognitive dysfunctions, brain injuries, learning differences and mental health disorders, as well as hearing and vision impairments. The very fact that these symptoms are invisible can lead to misunderstandings, false perceptions and judgments.



  • 96 percent of people who live with chronic medical conditions live with an illness that is
    invisible (United Census Bureau)

  • 73 percent of people who live with a severe disability do not use devices like a wheelchair (United Census Bureau)

  • It is estimated that 10% of people in the U.S. have a medical condition which could bE considered a type of invisible disability.

  • There are thousands of illnesses, disorders, diseases, dysfunctions, congenital disabilities, impairments, and injuries that can be debilitating.

  • In 2017, 11 million adults had at least one major depressive episode with sever impairment (4.5% of population) (National Institute of Mental Health)

  • This link provides a list of disabilities and diseases that you can reference as a starting point:

National Organizations

  • PACER – National Bullying Prevention Center 

  •  Jared’s Keeper Foundation

  • National Association of People Against Bullying 

  •  American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

National Organizations

  • Invisible Disabilities AssociatioN

  • Invisible Disability Project

  • The EPIC Foundation

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness

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