Gamma Sigma Sigma
National Service Sorority
The Illustrious Zeta Iota Chapter

Chapter History
​In 1991, three very lovely ladies paved the way for the Illustrious Zeta Iota Chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority. Tonya Hall and Sonja Elise Freeman are the founders of the Zeta Iota Chapter on Prairie View A&M University’s campus. Nichole Griffin was the 1st elected President and through her leadership helped get the Zeta Iota chapter status. We would like to thank these precious ladies for creating such a beautiful legacy of women who will always and forever stand for service, friendship, and equality.
The Zeta Iota of Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Soroity, was also chartered on the campus of Prairie View A&M University in 1991.​
National History
​For national history please visit our national website.

Maroon & White
Unity in Service
Staff & Omicron



Our purpose is to assemble college and university students in the spirit of service to humanity and to develop friendship among students of all races and creeds.
Mission: Gamma Sigma Sigma promotes a lifelong commitment to service and diversity, in an environment of unity and equality, while creating opportunities for growth.