Gamma Sigma Sigma
National Service Sorority
The Illustrious Zeta Iota Chapter

Meet our 2020 Executive Board

Chapter Achievements

Zeta Iota's very own, Soror Quincie Edwin, has been accepted into the DPT (Doctoral Physicial Therapy program at the University of Kansas Medical Center in her hometown, Kansas city, Missouri. Soror Edwin will be graduating Class of 2020 with a Major in kinesiology and a minor in Spanish. Soror Edwins has a long history of service, being one of many members to surpass Service 100! She's served on the executive board in 2018-2019 as Alumni Liaison and Public Relations, now continuing her legacy as an involved member! WEE can't wait to see what more the future holds for you!

Soror Akirra Thompson has Passed her nursing entrance exam, TEAS, and Hesi. Soror Thompson will be graduating class of 2020 majoring in kinesiology. we' like to congratulate her and thank you for her amazing contributions to the sorority such as serving on executive board from 2018-2019 as Service vice president and 2019-2020 as Membership vice president. soror Thompson has accumulated many service events for the sorority and service hours for members! May her contributions live on through zeta iota!

WEE would like to highlight soror khaliah knighten! while on her quest to secure the bag post graduation, she has been offered an intern position at city year in dallas! Soror Knighten currently serves as our 2020 public relations chair. Soror Knighten goes above and beyond to create new and engaging content for our instagram, twitter, and all social media platforms!
wee love and appreciate you for your efforts! may your legacy continue to live and grow through zeta Iota, Soror!
Alumni Spotlight
Homecoming Registration

Early Registration

regular Registration
